Audio Processing Framework (APF) version 0.5.0
apf::CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade > Member List

This is the complete list of members for apf::CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade >, including all inherited members.

case_one(const ItemType &item, F &) (defined in apf::CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade >)apf::CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade >inline
case_two(ItemType &item, F &f) (defined in apf::CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade >)apf::CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade >inline
CombineChannelsBase(L &in, Out &out)apf::CombineChannelsBase< CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade >, L, Out >inline
CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy(const L &in, Out &out, const Crossfade &fade) (defined in apf::CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade >)apf::CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade >inline
process(F f)apf::CombineChannelsBase< CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade >, L, Out >inline
~CRTP()=defaultapf::CRTP< CombineChannelsCrossfadeCopy< L, Out, Crossfade > >protected