Audio Processing Framework (APF) version 0.5.0
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NapfAudio Processing Framework
 NconvConvolution engine
 CConvolverCombination of Input and Output
 Cfft_nodeTwo blocks of time-domain or FFT (half-complex) data
 CFilterContainer holding a number of FFT blocks
 CInputInput stage of convolution
 COutputConvolution engine (output part)
 COutputBaseBase class for Output and StaticOutput
 CStaticConvolverCombination of Input and StaticOutput
 CStaticOutputConvolver output stage with static filter
 CTransformHelper class to prepare filters
 CTransformBaseForward-FFT-related functions
 NdpDenormal prevention
 Cac< double >Add sine component at nyquist frequency (double specialization)
 Cac< float >Add sine component at nyquist frequency (float specialization)
 Cdc< double >Add DC signal (double specialization)
 Cdc< float >Add DC signal (float specialization)
 CnoneDisable denormal prevention
 Cquantization< double >Quantize denormal numbers (double specialization)
 Cquantization< float >Quantize denormal numbers (float specialization)
 Cset_zero_1Detect denormals and set 0
 Cset_zero_2Detect denormals and set 0
 Cset_zero_3Detect denormals and set 0
 NmathMathematical constants and helper functions
 CidentityIdentity function object. Function call returns a const reference to input
 Clinear_interpolatorFunction object for linear interpolation
 Craised_cosineRaised cosine (function object)
 NmexHelper functions for creating MEX files
 NstrHelper functions for string manipulation
 Caccumulating_iteratorAn output iterator which adds on assignment
 Coutput_proxyHelper class
 CBiQuadDirect Form II recursive filter of second order
 CBlockDelayLineBlock-based delay line
 CBlockParameterHold current and old value of any type
 CCascadeCascade of filter sections
 Ccast_iteratorIterator that casts items to T* on dereferenciation
 Ccast_proxyEncapsulate a container of base pointers
 Ccast_proxy_constEncapsulate a container of base pointers (const version)
 Ccircular_iteratorCircular iterator class
 CCombineChannelsCombine channels: transform and accumulate
 CCombineChannelsBaseBase class for CombineChannels*
 CCombineChannelsCopyCombine channels: accumulate
 CCombineChannelsCrossfadeCombine channels: transform, crossfade and accumulate
 CCombineChannelsCrossfadeBaseBase class for CombineChannelsCrossfade*
 CCombineChannelsCrossfadeCopyCombine channels: crossfade and accumulate
 CCombineChannelsInterpolationCombine channels: interpolate and accumulate
 CCommandQueueManage command queue from non-realtime thread to realtime thread
 CCommandAbstract base class for realtime commands
 CWaitCommandDummy command to synchronize with non-realtime thread
 CCRTPCuriously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) base class
 Cdiscard_iteratorAn iterator which does nothing
 Coutput_proxyHelper class for discard_iterator
 Cdual_iteratorIterate over two iterators at once
 Coutput_proxyHelper class for dual_iterator
 CfftwTraits class to select float/double/long double versions of FFTW functions
 Cfftw< double > double specialization of the traits class fftw
 Cfftw< float > float specialization of the traits class fftw
 Cfftw< long double > long double specialization of the traits class fftw
 Cfixed_listDerived from std::list, but without re-sizing
 Cfixed_matrixTwo-dimensional data storage for row- and column-wise access
 Cchannels_iteratorIterator over fixed_matrix::Channels
 Cslices_iteratorIterator over fixed_matrix::Slices
 Cfixed_vectorDerived from std::vector, but without memory re-allocations
 Chas_begin_and_endConvenience class providing begin() and end()
 Cindex_iteratorIterator with a built-in number
 Citerator_proxyHelper class for apf::cast_proxy and apf::transform_proxy
 Citerator_proxy_constHelper class for cast_proxy_const and transform_proxy_const
 Cjack_policyinterface_policy using JACK
 CJackClientC++ wrapper for a JACK client
 Cjack_errorException to be thrown at various occasions
 CLaplaceCoefficientsCoefficients of analog recursive filter
 CLockFreeFifo< T * >Lock-free first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue
 CMimoProcessorMulti-threaded multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) processor
 CItemAbstract base class for list items
 CProcessItemBase class for items which have a Process class
 Crtlist_proxyProxy class for accessing an RtList
 CScopedLockLock is released when it goes out of scope
 CNonCausalBlockDelayLineA block-based delay line where negative delay is possible
 CNonCopyableClasses derived from this class cannot be copied (but still moved)
 Cparameter_mapA "dictionary" for parameters
 Cpointer_policy< T * >interface_policy which uses plain pointers
 Cportaudio_policyinterface_policy using PortAudio
 Craised_cosine_fadeCrossfade using a raised cosine
 CRtList< T * >A list for realtime access and non-realtime modification
 CAddCommandCommand to add an element to a list
 CClearCommandCommand to remove all elements from a list
 CRemCommandCommand to remove an element from a list
 CSosCoefficientsCoefficients of digital recursive filter (second order section)
 CStopWatchA simple stopwatch
 Cstride_iteratorA stride iterator
 Ctransform_iteratorIterator adaptor with a function call at dereferenciation
 Ctransform_proxyWrap a container and provide a transform_iterator instead of the normal one
 Ctransform_proxy_constWrap a container and provide a transform_iterator (const version)